Monday 11 August 2014

I've been a Lucky Girl!


So I've been quite lucky this month as the lovely hubby has bought me some fabulous bits for our first wedding anniversary. 

The first product that I'm writing about today is the Jo Malone Cologne in Vanilla and Anise. I'm so excited that I finally got this as I've been lusting after it for AGES and it definitely lives up to expectations. Well firstly, I just love the scent, it's so different and moreish. Even though it's vanilla it's not too sweet and smells natural (I'm not usually a vanilla fan as I think it can smell really synthetic) it's also the kind of scent that I can wear during the day and night as it's not too heavy or too light (if that makes sense?) Like most of the Jo Malone 30ml fragrances, it cost £40 which I suppose is a tad pricey, but the scent stays on my skin for a good few hours and even when it starts to fade, a beautiful scent lingers. I can't stop sniffing my wrists!

Also, if you've read some of my other posts you'll know how I love a good shopping experience and I wasn't disappointed. The assistant was very helpful and the perfume was so beautifully wrapped (I'm a sucker for packaging), I felt as though I was making a very luxurious purchase, I was very impressed!  

The second product on the present pile was the Dior Addict It-Lash Mascara in Black. I've never had a high end mascara before but I'm quite impressed. It has taken me a while to get used to the brush as it's chunkier than I'm used to and being quite heavy handed, I can end up with mascara all over my eyelids too! Now that I'm used to the brush, I'm really pleased with the results. I also love plastic brushes so that's an added bonus as I find the bristles separate and coat tha lashes more evenly. I find that the mascara holds the curl and builds up amazingly to create a really dramatic evening look. I also don't need to spend the usual half an hour applying this as it builds up quickly and evenly to create the desired look. I would consider purchasing this again.

The final product I received was another Dior creation (my husband knows me so well!) and it's the Diorshow Maximiser Lash Serum. Initially I wasn't too sure what to do with this, so I looked at a few reviews and there's a couple of ways that you can use it. The first way is to use it as a base underneath your mascara. I've tried this a couple of times and it takes a while to get used to but it's something I would use for a very dramatic evening look. It does help to extend and bulk out the lashes. The only issue is, it can make the lashes a little crispy, which makes mascara application quite difficult. To overcome this, I've been curling the lashes first, then I apply the serum to one eye (a thin layer) before quickly applying the mascara, then I move on to the other eye. This does seem to help the application and the way that the lashes are extended is quite amazing! I think this is something I'd reserve for parties/nights out though, instead of false lashes.

The other way that you can use the serum is as an overnight mask (which I think will be my main type of use.) it claims to be an overnight treatment that promotes lash growth, something that I'm definitely after so I'll let you know how it goes! I love Dior so I have high hopes for this product! 

So that's it for my present reviews, I've also been on a little trip to Lush so I'll be blogging about the products I picked up soon. If you have any hints for using the Lash Serum please let me know as I want to get the best out of it. Thanks for reading.
Becky xx

Ps. You can now also follow me on Instagram: Bexadod (don't ask!)
Twitter: @bexadoodle
Bloglovin': rsperrink 
Google+: Rebecca Sperrink 

Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Liebster Award


This post is a little bit different to the others that I have written as I have been nominated by two great bloggers for the Liebster award. The two bloggers that I have been nominated by are and a big thank you!

The Liebster Award is an award that is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers by other bloggers. The aim is to help promote new or lesser known blogs to the blogging world. Now because I've been nominated twice, I do have two sets of questions to answer so apologies if this goes on a bit!

The Rules
1. Link back to the person that nominated you
2. List 11 facts about yourself
3. Answer all the questions that you are given
4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate
5. Pick 11 questions for them to answer and let them know.

11 Random Facts

  • I'm a vegetarian
  • My favourite film is Labyrinth
  • I love to travel
  • Some of my favourite destinations are: Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Croatia, Paris, Bruges, Greece, Sri Lanka, Cornwall
  • I got married last year, our anniversary is August 9th
  • I have an olive addiction
  • I LOVE dogs
  • I have the cutest niece and nephew in the world
  • I love any of the Real Housewives series, my favourite is The Real Housewives of Orange County (serious guilty pleasure)
  • I have the biggest crush on Alexander Skarsgard (Eric in True Blood)
  • I drink far too much tea
My Questions

Set by Laura Rachel and Becky, thanks ladies!

1. What inspired you to start your blog? 
I've always had a bit of a make up obsession and I love to talk about the products that I've bought with friends. I also love listening to other people's recommendations so thought what better way to do all of that than starting my own blog?

2. What is one of your guilty pleasures or something you can's ever resist?
I can't walk through Boots without buying something! It might be something really small like a packet of cotton wool but more often than not it's make up and I cannot resist using the No7 money off vouchers! I've got 3 at the moment and I will be spending them before they run out of date on Sunday!

3. What's your current favourite/can't live without product?
My current favourite that I've been using everyday is Chanel's Universal Bronzer, it's the most amazing bronzer that I've ever used! I'm cheating a bit because I do have another can't live without product and that is mascara.

4. Name a fashion item that you can't live without
I'm not sure if it's a fashion item as such but I always need a handbag and the bigger the better. I am currently using a tan Michael Kors Hamilton bag which was a Christmas present and it is just the right size for all my random reciepts, half used packets of chewing gum, half empty water bottles etc...

5. Your biggest fears
I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to heights. My biggest issue is with downward escalators, I'm afraid that I'm the hoverer at the top who gets in everybody's way!

6. What's your most embarrassing moment?
I have many! When I was in Year 7 at school I wore a very fetching pleated knee length skirt (I think that's an embarrassing moment in itself!). I remember walking up some steps with many of my classmates behind me, when a big gust of wind pushed the skirt up over my head to reveal a very fetching pair of checked pants. Not my finest moment.

7. Who do you look up to most?
I don't think I have one answer for this as I get inspiration from lots of different people, mainly family and friends. 

8. Who's the person whose style/appearance you love the most?
I really like quite natural looks and I don't really follow celebrity trends, I just buy clothes that I think will suit me and that catch my eye. I guess if I were to choose, I do quite like Millie Mackintosh's style as she looks as though she doesn't try too hard and I like some of the floaty dresses that she wears. 

9. What's the reason behind your blog name?
My blog name is a bit boring really, it's just my name and one of my favourite things to talk about which is beauty!

10. Who knows about your blog?
It began with mainly family and friends and Facebook was my main method of sharing. My blog is gradually growing now and that's thanks to lovely fellow bloggers showing me how to use bloglovin' and Twitter to my advantage. 

11. How did you/do you react when people you know find your blog?
I was really nervous at first. I think it's quite daunting to put yourself out there and have people read your thoughts and opinions. I have been really pleased with the response that I've had though, it's lovely when I bump into a friend I haven't seen in a while and one of the first things they mention is something that they've read on my blog!

12. What is your favourite skincare brand?
I really like Clarins moisturisers, they feel like butter on my skin (without the grease). I also love the freebies that they offer!

13. How long have you been blogging?
I still feel like a relatively new blogger as I've only been writing since May, I still don't understand half of the technical bits!

14. If you could only wear 3 make up products on your face, what would they be?
Ooo I like this question! At the moment it would be Chanel's Universal bronzer, No7 Pop and Glow cream blusher and No7 Exceptional Definition mascara. 

15. What is your number 1 beauty tip?
Always moisturise after cleansing! My skin can feel quite tight after cleansing and toning so I moisturise to help balance things out again. I think it also helps make up to glide on without seeping into pores or sticking to dry bits of skin. 

16. Which bloggers inspire you and why?
I really like the blogs that also have YouTube tutorials. I particularly like Lily pebbles, Amelia Liana and Vivianna does Make up . I like these blogs because they use a mix of high end and drugstore products, their reviews are very honest and they don't claim to be experts, they are just honest about how they like to do things. 

17. What's your favourite low end make-up brand?
I don't know if this is low end but I'm a huge No7 fan (is it more mid range?) if it doesn't count I do also like Maybelline.  

18. What is your favourite high end make-up brand?
Noo this is too hard! At the moment I have two, Dior and Chanel - sorry I couldn't possibly choose between the two! 

19. What's your favourite perfume?
I don't tend to stick to one perfume, I have different perfumes for different occasions. I suppose if I had to pick my ultimate favourite would be Eau de Merveilles by Hermes because it is so unusual. I also have Jo Malone Vanilla and Anise cologne on my wish list at the moment. 

20. What bog is your current favourite to read?
Probably the previously mentioned Lily Pebbles.

21. What high street store is your favourite?
I love House of Fraser, I love that I can usually go in there with something in mind and come out with just what I wanted. the clothing concessions are great, as are the beauty counters. I can also usually buy something without spending a fortune.

So there we have it, 2 sets of questions answered, I hope going through these wasn't too mind numbing! 

 Questions for my nominated bloggers

1. In your opinion what is the best way to remove make up?
2. Waterproof mascara or regular mascara?
3. What is the best beauty product out there?
4. Is there one item of food or drink that you think can help improve your appearance (e.g. skin, eyes, hair)?
5. Which beauty products are worth spending more money on?
6. How long do you think you will be blogging for?
7. What kind of response have you had to your blog?
8. What is the best thing about blogging?
9. Is there a downside to blogging?
10.  Do you have any tips or tricks that you would share with your younger self about make-up?
11. Have you ever had any embarrassing hair/fashion/make-up moments?

Acesparklestar (I couldn't see how many followers you have on your blog so apologies if it's over 200)

Thanks for reading! xx